Our Journey Into Joy

Welcome to OurJourneyIntoJoy.com! There are new possibilities of living in joy simply by letting go of the old ways of being and thinking as you allow new to replace them. Watch the video introduction below or check out the overview here. However you choose to experience this website, let go of the old and allow joy to flow!

Update, December 2023:

Thank you to those who have visited this website and, especially, to those who have followed my journey over the years. Yes, it’s been three years since I stopped posting regularly…waiting for that ‘nudge from the divine’ as I noted in the last update. In that time, we’ve experienced a pandemic, watched as our world continued to seemingly fall further  into violence and chaos, and tried to find a new normal, a place to regain our balance again.

While the information here at Our Journey into Joy is timeless, my awareness has continued to expand as my focus has shifted during this hiatus. I no longer await the arrival of our Intergalactic friends, although I know that will happen eventually. For that to happen, humanity must find its way through and out of the fear-based density we are experiencing now. We must choose to focus on expanding our awareness of new possibilities, higher perspectives, and that which brings love, peace, joy, and compassion into your hearts and minds.

I have gathered the best of the basics from Our Journey into Joy, along with new insights and resources, to create a new platform from which to share my thoughts, understanding, and joy. I am excited about what is being seeded here now in our world. Each of us can expand into unity consciousness, let go of old patterns that keep us trapped in the ‘awful’ and remember that we are divine beings creating heaven on earth from within each of us. Please join me at Expanding into Unity Consciousness as we expand our Journey into Joy.

Update, May 2021:

Unidentified Aerial Phenomena – UAP/UFOs. Information has been slowly leaking out, One of these days perhaps we’ll have a genuine and full disclosure show up in mainstream media about the history of our relationship with our intergalactic neighbours here on earth!
I’ve been following the Vancouver UFO Meetup group this past year. They have speakers who have been aware of and speaking out for years about extraterrestrial life as well as some who are just starting to share their experiences. This is so much like coming out as queer…lots of fear around people saying you’re crazy or stupid or whatever. I don’t agree with everyone and everything shared, but it’s fascinating to hear what others have to say.
That’s where I first met Jeff last fall, an awesome guy with a very different ascension story and amazing skills and experience. We worked together on the beginnings of the Intergalactic Connections Welcome Centre website until January when I was guided to put that project on hold.  During this hiatus, Jeff has continued working on his book while I’ve become more aware that my first step must be seeding and nurturing Unity Consciousness and Universal Law.
Our world is so messy right now, humanity is just not ready to welcome our star families. So, I’ve been focusing on learning about what Universal Law is even as I become aware of how I can and do operate from this new (for my mind) system of creation. It is the divine way of being and creating in the material world and coincides with my choosing to let go of old ego patterns and allow Spirit to lead. So many old ways of being and doing are based in fear and separation…it’s such a challenge to let go of what I think I know and the way it’s always been. And yet, there is so much more freedom and joy and satisfaction – did I mention effortless and fun?
I look forward to receiving that nudge from the divine, knowing it is time to begin posting here again and rolling out the projects, both for Unity Consciousness and Intergalactic Connections. Until that moment, there is more than enough material on this site that will help each of us continue to let go of fear and separation, allowing joy to flow. How else can we possibly create the world we desire, one of love and compassion, peace and harmony?


Update, April 2020:

What a year this has been! As the world goes quiet in the midst of the COVID-19 crisis and beyond, I will be blogging my awareness of new possibilities and potentials that arise from letting go of the way we were, the world we knew, and opening to a world that offers harmony within ourselves and in our world…the best of Unity Consciousness. 2020 and Beyond opens the door to what is happening and what can be our ‘new normal’.  Posts will continue to explore what is beyond that door. For me, this is a time of excitement and fulfillment we have been waiting for. We all have the choice between living in fear or letting go into joy.  Join me on this journey by subscribing to my blog.

(I have added parts of the written commentary from this website project here. You will find my perspectives on psychology, spirituality and science as well as a bibliography of resources that informed my journey through 2019. Remember, this was written for a master’s level final project so the writing is more scholarly.)

If there is a willingness in you, a desire for change, know that there is hope. My intention for OurJourneyIntoJoy.com is to offer you information, tools and support for your journey as we continue to let go and allow joy to flow in every moment and every experience. Learn more about my own Journey Into Joy here.



 Header Image courtesy of Pixabay/MBatty



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